Last Day in Zimbabwe

Victoria Falls, Zimbabwe - Day 9


The economy is very weird in Victoria Falls, Zimbabwe. It's like the town is Disney World in a way and the prices for everything were inflated like they are in a theme park. Most dishes on the menu run around minimum $20 and sadly it is not just tourist that pay the price. I asked a couple people where locals get food at and they said the grocery stores. Katie and I popped in one to look around and the prices there were sky high too. For what I would consider a medium-small bag of rice, the price was $20 something. A 16oz can of tomato paste was over $8. Everything was that way: toothpaste, bread, chips. You'd think if prices for everything were that high, that someone is getting rich. And that may be the case, but it wasn't the average worker. We had several people ask if we had any extra clothes or shoes that they could have. They didn't want money, because it would take so much money to make a difference, but a pair of worn out shoes would. It doesn't make any sense to me. Some good news we heard was that not all of Zimbabwe is this way.

Katie and I started the day off on a breakfast boat cruise on the Zambezi river where we saw some hippo's and tons of birds. When we returned to our lodge, a family of warthog were outside our room playing and eating. We took the rest of the day to relax and look around at some of the shops.


Flying into the Delta


Victoria Falls