United States of America
Leaving Kansas - Day 1
Today’s Pre-Planned Itinerary
Home - 7:00 AM
Rest Area #1 - 8:51 AM
Leave Rest Area - 9:21 AM
Rest Area #2 - 11:14 AM
Leave Rest Area - 11:44 AM
Rest Area #3 - 1:48 PM
Leave Rest Area - 2:18 PM
Denver, CO - 3:54 PM (2:54 PM MST)
Leave Denver, CO - 4:24 PM (3:24 PM MST)
Silverthorne, CO - 6:24 PM (5:24 PM MST)
With everything prepped as much as possible the night before, Katie and I planned on hitting the road towards Colorado as soon as Hazel woke up. Our planned itinerary didn’t kick off until 7 AM and we were able to get 30 minutes ahead of schedule right off the bat when Hazel woke up around 6:20 AM. Katie and I were both prepared for a horrendous drive (because Hazel will start getting fussy on a 15 minute trip across town…), but she did AMAZING!
Katie did an excellent job of keeping Hazel entertained and happy through out the trip. The trip followed our schedule fairly closely, but Hazel had just fallen asleep before Rest Stop #2 so we ended up passing that and having a break when we filled up on gas. Hazel dozed off again right before Rest Stop #3 so we skipped it entirely. Originally we had planned on getting food in Denver for dinner, though we ultimately just stretched our legs at a park. Up until this part of the road trip things had gone extremely smooth, but we unfortunately hit traffic after Denver and were in stop and go traffic for about 30 minutes. We still made great time and got into Silverthorne at about 4:50 PM MST and grabbed a pizza.
Silverthorne, Colorado
It was 5:15 PM MST or so when we pulled up to our AirBnB and got settled. Ate some pizza and then put Hazel to bed. It was a tough one because she had been in the car all day. We were so proud we got her to sleep in her travel crib!! We sat out on the back deck eating pizza and watching a little fox. We thought we had nailed it, a home run travel day… until Hazel started to cry and we went in to check on her (Ironically we brought her camera and set it up…but unfortunately plugged it into an outlet tied into the light switch). She had thrown up all over the crib sheet, the crib, her bunny, and herself.
That sent us into a frenzy of getting her cleaned up as well as all of her crib stuff. After we got past that we decided I would run to the store and get some groceries for the morning, but more importantly - get some infant detergent for Hazel (We didn’t bring any and only have one crib sheet). Hazel then “slept” in bed with us. Well, she kind of slept, but Katie and I didn’t so much.

Travel Facts
Personal Milestones
8th Road Trip for Katie and Daniel (Hazel’s 2nd [First being our weekend trip to KC, MO])
3rd Time Katie and Daniel have been to Colorado (Hazel’s 1st)
13th Trip for Katie and Daniel in North America (Hazel’s 2nd)
19th Trip for Katie and Daniel (Hazel’s 2nd)
Distance Traveled (Approximates)
This Trip: 634 mi (1020 km)
Grand Total: 131,601 mi (211,791 km)